With my friend Louise at the Owl House in Nieu Bethesda, South Africa


In recent years I have gone back to doing what I really love, writing. Mostly about where I go, and the people I meet. I have spent years editing other people’s words, which I also love, and laying out the pages of books, magazines and newspapers. I have done my time as a sub-editor in the newsroom too. Mostly my travel pieces go into Getaway and the human interest features into Men’s Health and HighLife. And I can never resist the urge to write about running, so Runner’s World gets a fair share too. Other clients are artists, academic institutions, charities and NGOs. Often these clients are producing material for people who read and speak English as a second language and I try to help them communicate difficult ideas with clarity – both visual and written. Below is a list of regulars:

  • Getaway Magazine

  • Men’s Health South Africa

  • Runner’s World

  • HighLife Magazine

  • The Urban Futures Centre

  • The KZNSA Gallery

  • Independent Newspapers

  • Janet Solomon

  • Savage Jewellery

  • The Family Literacy Project


  • The Department of Basic Education


  • Africa!Ignite

  • Glenridge Preprimary

  • The School of Development Studies

  • Health Economics and HIV/AIDS Research Division (HEARD)

I am a member of the Society for Editors and Proofreaders (UK) and was put through the London School of Journalism while a lowly layout/subeditor for Newtrade Publishing. I have postgraduate degrees in Psychology and English. In 2006, I completed three years of a Fine Art diploma part-time, until the demands of new babies and earning a living interrupted this, hopefully one day I’ll finish it, until then I draw things on public holidays!