If you are ever feeling sad, then you can just watch this video of these girls and then some dogs playing on the beach that I made on Saturday. It is not a very good video because i’ve only just started learn now to do this properly. And I want to be able to slow it down when the people all join hands and do cartwheels, and speed up the boring bits and make the clouds more contrasty. And I will work this out soon. Don’t worry.
We were invited down the coast and I took all my new equipment to take amazing photographs of the most amazing place in the world to write a million articles about it all. And then do an awesome photo-essay for this page to encourage everyone to go there, because it is the best place.
But unfortunately for these good intentions, our host was a famous chef and I was too occupied with eating to do anything else. My mouth was always too full to even talk, but when it did, it was saying why after at least 10 years (if you add up all the times) of chiselling mussels and oysters off these rocks, have I never put them in a paella that tastes this good. And my stomach was saying stop you are too full. And then my brain was saying you can’t go for a swim now, because you will drown. But then I remembered that is a lie told by lazy people who like to nap after lunch. And don’t enjoy swimming as much as me. And so with stomachs as big as pregnant baluga whales, we left them to it, wobble-scampered through the garden, over the railway, and there it was. This perfect beach on this wonderful day. And I balanced my camera on a bit of rotting driftwood, and I would say at least half fulfilled my assignment with this joyous hour condensed into about 40 seconds.